Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Rest Day

Rest day. A day of rest. A day of my legs twinging at me all day, it seems.

I “cross trained” on Saturday, by which I mean that I moved around a bit and it wasn’t a run. I played kickball actually. It was a great relief when a colleague confided to me yesterday that he, too, was “feeling it.”

It was particularly satisfying as this statement was uttered with the full intent of soliciting solidarity. No 80s pain and gain dichotomy for us, no; just the grim realization that a few minutes of kicking a ball and some mildly competent base running had activated muscles I’m not sure I’ve used since before selfies became a thing.  Now, a day later still, I’m walking around with oddly starched feeling leg muscles. Yesterday’s run was… not great. I’m back on the stats game soon and I can’t wait, though sometimes we should count our blessings. Not convinced I broke twelve minutes per mile yesterday.

In any case, I’m back in the saddle tomorrow regardless. Things have hit a slight lull, but I must persevere! Thirty minutes without stopping or walking is still a big deal and I can’t let that go. 

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